Picture Taken on Jul-20-07 in Osigo, Veneto, Italy

Picture Taken on Jul-27-07 in St. Peter's Basilica, Rome, Italy

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Visual Basic Multi-Form Project

For our most recent assignment in ICT class, we were required to complete a multi-form project consisting of several of the programs we had previously created in Visual Basic. We were also asked to create a theme for the project, and to redesign our programs to fit accordingly. I decided to create my multi-form project with a travel theme, which includes several programs such as "Finding your Passport," an "Expenses Calculator," and a paint program, just to name a few. Our class was also required to design one or two "easter eggs" or hidden aspects to be found, within our programs. Examples of my project's "easter eggs" are outlined below.

On the menu screen of my project, pressing "shift-p" will cause a graphic of the French city of Paris to appear with the words "Bon Voyage!"

From the menu screen a second "easter egg" is also accessible when the user presses "ctrl-g". When this takes place, a new form appears which is comprised of several pictures of the famous travelling gnome. By clicking a command button at the bottom of the form, the program user can return back to the menu.